Conservative Provocateur

Pete Santilli – The Prototype For Political Persecution

3 min read

Pete Santilli made an appearance at the Save America Revival Tour’s stop in Ohio to share his incredible story of persecution by the corrupt FBI and DOJ and how he was deplorable before it even became a term.

Santilli got a warm introduction as one of the ‘founding fathers of the movement’ by the event organizers who said: ” So there’s a guy who’s been around, I kind of consider him a little bit of a Rush Limbaugh of Ohio,” when introducing him.

Santilli talked about how he started broadcasting and building an audience of patriots, many of who have stayed with him throughout the years he has been on the air because of his unique perspective and his experiences while he was persecuted by the ‘deep state’ long before anyone else.

“The Devil comes to attack you and he used our own government against this guy, but we’re going to make it right. And thank you so much for all that you do. Thank you,” the organizer said as she handed the mic over to Santilli to tell his inspirational story.

Santilli told the event attendees, “being persecuted as Christians is something we expect, isn’t it, right? I’m here to tell you my story of how I got here to this place. In 2013 there was a truckers ride for the Constitution. That was a huge event that essentially brought me around 67 million people listening to my coverage because nobody else was covering the event. The truckers were actually blocked and scared away from going to DC as was planned to do a blockade. I said we wanted to world’s largest traffic jam in DC shut down Commerce.

That was a neat little concept that didn’t go very well; they stopped it but guess what? We shifted gears.

Do you remember when Barack Obama was evacuated from the White House because the veterans went to the World War Two Memorial and took down those barricades? They blocked the truckers and the veterans went to the war memorial and they took those barricades down and Barack Obama was evacuated. 

Okay, so that’s my claim to fame and I made everybody really mad, okay? They put investigative journalists behind bars for 619 days and boy do I feel for the January 6 defendants. Because I know exactly how they feel right now. 

These are some of our nation’s greatest Patriots, not because of what happened on January 6 but because of what they’re doing right now. They want to give it to the Deep State I’ve spoken to them.

And, you know, they knew about my situation. I want to be on this side of the podium, holding those that are at the government podium accountable. All right. There’s a longer story to what I’m about to tell you. I’m going to tell you how it happens. You guys want to hear it? I’m such a belligerent United States Marine….”

WATCH the full interview:

About Pete Santilli