Conservative Provocateur

There is No Greater Threat to the Civil Rights of the Average American Than the FBI

3 min read

Ty Clevenger an Attorney in Texas appeared with Pete Santilli to talk about the very dangerous situation that has been created in the United States with having a highly corrupt and politicized FBI.

Santilli opened the show by saying:

“The culture of the FBI’s been so rotten. And yet, there are still some people in there really, some are whistleblowers that we need step forward in some cases at great personal risk, to blow the whistle on this stuff. More and more people in the FBI have got to come forward with stuff. Because if you turn your view and avert, your gaze, then you are not an FBI agent, then you’re complicit.

We’ve reached a point where you cannot morally say, well, I want to protect my retirement. So I’m just going to keep my head down and go along to get along. You do that, you’re complicit. I don’t know how to make it any more plainly. It’s the country is in too much Jeopardy. There is no greater threat to the civil rights of the average American than the FBI, which ironically is tasked with investigating civil rights violations.

So if you’re inside the FBI and raise your right hand, and swore out the oath. You do not have the luxury of ignoring this and sitting on the sidelines, you have a duty. 

Ty. Clevenger, you may have heard his name for the first time, he would have loved to have been done with his work. You know, years ago, when we first came together, we started trying to expose the truth. He is a former cop.

When in fact right now, you know, we’re talking about deputizing those with the Integrity to pursue the truth and Justice and go after the true perpetrators of the crimes that are being committed against our country. Former journalist, disgruntled lawyer, muckraking blogger and a cheerful optimist he’s never backed off. He’s always got a smile on his face. And he keeps, you know, poking the bear per se. And before he came on, I said, we have to force the FBI to do what is right- that’s how we get done. What we have to get done is to force them to do the right thing.

And he is the tip of the spear when it comes to the story of Seth rich and his laptop and the FBI and he’s going to be coming on because we had a recent report, a break in the action forwards stepping up and saying to the FBI, the Federal Bureau of Of laptops that they’re required to turn it over,” Santilli said.

Clevenger responded:

“The judge ordered them to turn over everything related to the laptop so anything on Seth Rich’s laptop has to be produced a week from today,” Clevenger said.

Listen to the full interview: 

About Pete Santilli