Conservative Provocateur

Election Watch Shocker! Do you approve or disapprove of the way Joe Biden is handling his job as president? [POLL]

2 min read

Oh boy- Democrat Joe Biden is not going to make it, and Democrats need to own the destruction they have brought down on the broken Democrat machine- this is why they are looking at being crushed in the Mid-terms.

Polling is showing bad news.

Younger voters are also among the least enthusiastic about Biden — just 5% say they strongly approve of the job he’s doing, on par with whites without college degrees and white evangelical Christians, reliably Republican voters.

In his run for the White House, Biden promised progressives the political equivalent of the moon, but he has run into the realities of governing. Progressives are upset as well.

Seems like no one likes Biden.

Even CNN has to be honest about how much people do not like Biden:

“Most voters continue to express strikingly negative views on President Joe Biden’s management of the economy, and for that matter, his handling of crime and the border.”

Actually, according to new polling-53% of people do not approve of Joe Biden and that means people are going to go to the polls to vote against everything he represents.

59% of Independents do not approve of Democrat Joe Biden as President. That is historic.


Independents are not happy and that means everything right now.

About Pete Santilli