Conservative Provocateur

Saudi Arabia Joins BRICS, the Petrodollar/World Currency is Heading Off a Cliff

2 min read

 Clay Clark from Time To Free America talked with Pete Santilli this week, and what he said about creating wealth for yourself should get listeners ready to protect their wealth. This is a great interview.

Clark told Santilli:

“I have a friend who used to work for the Federal Reserve, and they were telling me some of the disturbing things that happen to the United States.  First of all, I can tell you, the Federal Reserve isn’t Federal, and there is no Reserve. So  once you wrap your mind around that idea, that the Federal Reserve is not federal  and there is no Reserve, that will open your mind to a whole Oasis of information.

The book, I would encourage everyone to read is called the creature from Jekyll. I asked him teacher. Yeah, Jekyll Island. It’s an Incredible Book.

 I want to repeat this, the BRICS Nations, Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa, and they are all teamed up and ready to unseat the US dollar as the world’s Reserve currency  and they needed to get Saudi Arabia. The linchpin of the petrol dollar. They need it to get to Saudi Arabia.  What do they need to get the Petrodollar to go away? They needed to get Saudi Arabia, to team up with BRICS, and guess what just happened over the weekend, Saudi Arabia is teaming up with bricks.

So we right now are headed off to a currency clip,” Clark told Santilli. 

About Pete Santilli