Conservative Provocateur

WAR ON MAGA – Establishment GOP Neocons Attempt Tea-Party Styled Takedown

9 min read

President Trump Fires Back Against Ron DeSantis, Con Inc and Coordinated Narrative Midterm Effort

President Trump can see and hear the same things everyone else can see and hear, including the coordinated media and GOPe effort to diminish him and the MAGA movement within the Republican club.

The Democrats and professional Republican class both want to see the populist movement destroyed for the same reason Mitch McConnell wanted the Tea Party destroyed in 2010.  The assembly of the united middle-class and blue-collar base inside the Republican Party, essentially the broad MAGA movement, represents a Main Street threat to Wall Street control of the GOPe.

There are trillions at stake.

As Florida Governor Ron DeSantis’ megadonor and Citadel hedge fund billionaire, Ken Griffin, openly admitted recently the Wall Street goals are (1) stop the populist movement and (2) get the Republican Party back in alignment with the multinational “corporate world.”  These are the same goals of the Republican leadership in Washington DC and the same goals as the corporate media who serve as the public relations firms for Wall Street.

The collaborative group, which includes the entirety of the funding mechanism and management behind Ron DeSantis, viewed the 2022 midterm election as an opportunity to reset the Republican Party away from the populist MAGA influence.  The strategy was to roll out of the August DOJ Mar-a-Lago targeting, directly into a nationally rebranded DeSantis operation and then lead up to the 2022 midterm election.

Anything that can cast Donald Trump as a negative would be enhanced, and anything that would cast the MAGA movement as a positive would be diminished.  In part, this is the intent behind the delayed positive election results from key MAGA races in CO, WA, NV and AZ, combined with emphasis on the negative -albeit controlled- election ballot outcomes from Michigan and Pennsylvania.

At the 30,000-foot level the attacks against President Trump are, quite frankly, attacks against the MAGA populist movement represented by President Trump.

The professional political class, both DNC and RNC club members, politicians and donors, want to get back to normal political business operations in Washington DC.  The key element at the core of their concern is financial and economic control.  Again, there are trillions at stake.

Just like we can see this coordinated effort, so too can President Trump see the construct of the narrative as it is being engineered and delivered.  We can see the Paul Ryan wing, the Mitch McConnell wing and the corporate media division all working in concert.  The entities described genuinely do not think the larger Republican base can see it, but they underestimate us at their own peril.

Things are never going to return to normal for them, but they refuse to accept that.  The most adamant of the professional Republican apparatus, in concert with the multinational financial world, would rather see the GOP lose every election – if that’s what it takes to stop the MAGA movement.  They view this as a zero-sum game, and they have planted proactive seeds for exactly this purpose.

A more than happy to assist CONservative Inc new media apparatus, the “influencers” as they call them, are part of the dynamic that was recruited in early 2022 {See Here}. It’s the use of this crew and others of like-minded disposition that helps the corporate group drumbeat an anti-populist, anti-MAGA message with the intention to eliminate the head of the movement.

In addition to their common vertical challenges, the DeSantis 2024 influence group are almost identical to the Cruz 2016 group.  The difference this time around is the pretending game; where they pretend DeSantis is not the intended beneficiary of their relentless anti-Trumpism in both print and broadcast appearances.

The group was recruited in January 2022 and includes Fox News’ Lisa Marie Boothe, Turning Point USA’s Benny Johnson, Newsweek opinion editor Josh Hammer, The Rubin Report’s Dave Rubin, New York Post and columnist Karol Markowicz, Claremont Institute fellow David Reaboi and conservative writers like Jordan Schachtel, John Cardillo, along with Ben Shapiro and Guy Benson.

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has been positioned as the intended recipient for the disenfranchised MAGA movement’s support, if they can just get President Trump out of the equation and exploit the vulnerability in his absence.  However, all previous efforts to shake the bond between President Trump and the MAGA movement have failed.

Using the 2022 midterm election control, they are pounding the wedge harder now, with increased ferocity and urgency to break the bond.

Just like in 2016, the GOPe multinationals, corporatists, Wall Street donors, Never Trump CONservatives, and just about all controlled media systems are being enlisted in this effort.  President Trump can see the construct just as clearly as you can.

That’s why President Trump is hitting back against the effort by singling out the wedge they are trying to use.

President Trump isn’t pretending.  He’s targeting Florida Governor Ron DeSantis because President Trump, like us, can clearly see the nature of the construct that has been manufactured to oppose the MAGA movement.  This is a fight for the future of the Republican party.

DeSantis is playing too-cute-by-half, in pretending not to be a participant in the professional republican operation.  If Governor Ron DeSantis was not an active participant, he would not be playing coy with his 2024 GOP nomination intent.   Trump isn’t going to play pretend.  As long as DeSantis pretends, he will be targeted by President Trump because Trump isn’t going to allow the professional republican apparatus to destroy the populist movement.

Let Con Inc go and form a new party now of acceptable republicans.  Let the people of selfie-importance assemble to take pictures of their lunches and dinners for social media shares, while the scruffnecks in MAGA assemble to push back against the new American corporatist agenda that finances them.

The new republican party is the working-class people’s party, the MAGA party, and President Donald J Trump is going to defend it.

Steadfast….  This is “The Big Ugly“!

via The Last Refuge

November 11, 2022 at 03:30PM

Elites Begin Assault on MAGA Republicans – The Largest Conservative Movement in US History

With Governor Ron DeSantis’s victory on Tuesday, the largest in Florida’s gubernatorial history since Bob Graham won by 29 points in 1982, a lot of talk in the mainstream media has turned to “DeFuture,” as described by the New York Post.

FOX News on Tuesday night couldn’t wait to tout Gov. DeSantis as the next coming while disparaging Donald J. Trump and the “MAGA Republicans.”  It’s no surprise that the election wasn’t even finished before former George W. Bush’s speechwriter and Washington Post weekly contributor Marc Thiessen started to shape a narrative that the “America First” Republican Party is “an absolute disaster.”

FOX News and Thiessen have willingly ignored the fact that transparency in our elections is non-existent.  Election laws were changed across the country to promote no excuse absentee voting.  Ballots are sent out to unverified voters in mass.  Voting machines are being utilized with seeming vulnerabilities in their coding but ignored by officials.  The list of discrepancies and fatal deficiencies go on and on and no one with authority seems to have any desire to address it despite polling numbers showing next to no faith due to lack of transparency in our election system.

Joe Biden is the most unpopular occupier of the White House since Harry Truman.  Inflation is at a 40-year high.  Wages are crashing at historic rates.  Fentanyl is pouring across our border and making its way into our children’s lives.  5 million illegals have walked across the open border since inauguration.  Exit polls showed more than 7 out of 10 voters were unhappy with the direction the country was headed.  One-third were “angry” about it, according to CNN in a Breitbart article:

“More than 7 in 10 said they were less than satisfied with the way things are going in the country, with about one-third saying they were not just dissatisfied but angry with the state of the nation,” CNN noted.

But after back-to-back public primetime addresses by Joe Biden that focused almost exclusively on demonizing MAGA Republicans and his political opposition and almost zero mention of the crises facing the American public, the media wants you to believe that Americans, unhappy with the current state of the Nation, fell hook, line, and sinker for Joe’s rhetoric and voted against the “Red Wave.”

Perhaps this is the wake up call America needs to reject voting machines with private source code, unknown private equity investors, and zero transparency (with ballot authentication devices in many jurisdictions turned off).

So what does this have to do with Gov. DeSantis?

In an evening of what the Mockingbird Media would have you believe was “doom and gloom” for MAGA, Gov. DeSantis was the one shining beacon of light.  He won convincingly, surpassing his Democrat opponent by 20 points.

But was it an authentic landslide?  Perhaps.  No one can question Gov. DeSantis’s wild popularity.  As a Florida resident myself, I am more than grateful for his unrelenting leadership during the COVID lockdowns and combatting the indoctrination of our children by groomers sporadically embedded in our public schools throughout the state (and country).

But was Charlie Crist a viable contender?  Or a pawn in a political strategy by the Establishment/Deep State/Permanent Washington?  (Call it what you will.  It exists.)  Let me explain.

Let’s look at the facts on Florida.  President Trump won Florida both in 2016 and in 2020. In 2016, he won by appx. 113k votes.  Barack Obama, by comparison, won his historic 2008 campaign by appx. 205k.  However, in 2020, President Trump more than tripled his previous margin of victory and almost doubled Obama’s margin by garnering a 372k vote victory in the 2020 election.  Ironically, President Trump also won sought-after Ohio by 476k votes.  The last and seemingly only time a Republican won Florida and Ohio but lost the Presidency was Kennedy v. Nixon in 1960, which is still a highly controversial election.

For the first time in Florida history, reportedly, Republicans out-registered Democrats.  That’s a rather strange statistic since Floridians haven’t elected a Democrat governor since 1994 when Lawton Chiles won the office.

In the 2022 primary election, the Miami-Dade county school board, among others, flipped from liberal to conservative.  President Obama won Miami-Dade county by 16 points in 2008.  By 2022, it became the largest conservative public school jurisdiction in the country.  Gov. DeSantis would go on to win the county by 11 points, arguably a bigger achievement than winning Florida as a whole by 20.

Florida looked so grim and hopeless for the Democrats that the Democratic Governor’s Association wasn’t even considering supporting a candidate against Gov. DeSantis.  How bad does it have to be that they would concede the third-largest electoral state uncontested, essentially dooming them to an electoral massacre in 2024?

Bad enough that they rolled out a Democrat candidate whose only statewide office held was as a Republican?  And who subsequently lost as a Republican (and then as an Independent in the same race) against Marco Rubio for US Senate?

Given the above information regarding political trends in Florida…a wildly popular President Trump, a surging Republican party, incredible polling numbers from Gov. DeSantis, and a repudiation of the indoctrination in our schools, the Democrats decided to roll out this man, who all but confesses his love for the most unpopular occupier of the White House in the polling era:

The question I ask is this:  is it beyond the Deep State to put out a lackluster hack candidate in order to inflate a candidate like Ron DeSantis, who will likely run for President in 2024, in order to damage the target of their incessant rhetoric for the last 6 years, Donald J. Trump?  Just asking.

The narrative has already begun to change.  The Mockingbird Media and Neo-Cons alike are all touting Gov. DeSantis as the savior of the Republican Party while diminishing “America First” and “MAGA” candidates as the “searing indictment of the Republican Party?”

Again:  Do not misinterpret this as an attack against Gov. DeSantis.  He is, by far, the best governor in the Nation and will undoubtedly be a serious Presidential contender in upcoming elections.  I am unapologetically hoping he remains our Governor for a full four years, allowing President Trump to run in 2024 without the animosity the two would create in a primary battle and giving Florida a solid conservative foundation for decades to come.

However, the narrative being formed around him by the very same people who snubbed us into locking down and destroying our country in order to unseat Donald Trump cannot be ignored.  They are terrified of President Trump and what he has vowed to do to the Deep State.

But the People welcome it.

via The Gateway Pundit

November 11, 2022 at 03:33PM

About Pete Santilli