Conservative Provocateur

Kevin McCarthy Suffers Historic Defeat; Here’s What Happens Next….

3 min read

January 3, 2023 at 04:48PM Kevin McCarthy Suffers Historic Defeat; Here’s What Happens Next….

For the first time since 1923, the House Speaker vote will require a second ballot as Kevin McCarthy has NOT secured enough votes to win the speakership.

This marks the first time in almost a century that the majority’s nominee has required another vote. As voting continued, eleven Republicans voted for someone other than McCarthy, preventing him from achieving the 218 threshold.

During the first round of voting, Rep. Andy Biggs of Arizona was nominated as an alternative Republican candidate to McCarthy. Biggs had previously challenged McCarthy in a GOP conference meeting late last year and received seven of the eleven alternate GOP votes in the first round.

Members of the House Freedom Caucus, known for their hardline stance, had indicated in the days leading up to the vote that they would nominate a new candidate for Republicans to support after the first vote.

This Fox News segment reveals what will happens next:

The Congressional Expert on the Fox News panel says other candidates could emerge from the Republican Party if McCarthy doesn’t gain the votes in a 1st or 2nd vote.

More analysis:

When it was Matt Gaetz’s turn to speak his mind on the House Speaker vote, he sounded the alarm over swamp Republican’s attempts to install Rep. Kevin McCarthy as Speaker of the House.

Congress is reconvening to vote on whether or not McCarthy should become House Speaker and it is unknown whether or not he has the votes.

“House Republican leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) told colleagues that “I’ve earned this job” in a defiant closed-door speech ahead of what is expected to be a contentious vote for speaker,” the Washington Post reports. “Shortly before the new House was set to convene, McCarthy’s GOP foes remained adamant that they would oppose his speakership, which could lead to multiple ballots before a leader of the chamber emerges.”

The contentious battle for House Speaker is causing many rifts within the Republican party.

Rep. Gaetz revealed that things are so bad that establishment Republicans are threatening those who do not vote for McCarthy with removal from House committees.

“But we were threatened by my committee chairman to be on the Arms Services, Mr. Rodgers, that if we did not vote for Mr. McCarthy that we would be removed from committees,” Gaetz said.

“Our position is that if Kevin McCarthy is the speaker of the house and we don’t have an ability to ensure that there is umf behind the agenda and energy behind our oversight, then our committee assignments don’t mean that much anyway,” he slammed.

“I’m not here to participate in some puppet show where we pass a bunch of messaging bills, send them to the Senate, watch them die, fail to use leverage and don’t hold the Biden Administration accountable,” Gaetz said. “I don’t want to relive the Benghazi experience where it’s just theatre pretending to be oversight”


Here is another clip:

Lauren Boebert announced she voted for Jim Jordan for House Speaker:

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This is a developing story. Stay tuned for more…

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