Conservative Provocateur

AMERICAN HERO! Boy Smacks Down School Board For Telling Him He Can’t Wear ‘There Are Only 2 Genders’ Shirt

2 min read

May 2, 2023 at 07:21AM   Video: Boy Smacks Down School Board For Telling Him He Can’t Wear ‘There Are Only 2 Genders’ Shirt

A 12 year old boy in Middleborough Massachusetts gave his school board a lesson in Constitutional rights after he was told that he was not allowed to wear a t-shirt emblazoned with the statement ‘There are only 2 genders’.

Liam Morrison, a seventh-grader at Nichols Middle School in Middleborough, noted that he was removed from gym class on March 21 by school staff who claimed that the statement on his shirt was “making some students feel unsafe.”

The teachers told Morrison that he would have to remove the shirt if he wanted to return to class, and he refused.

Brave Liam related his story to school officials and defiantly defended his First Amendment right to express himself:

Liam noted that he was also told that the shirt was “targeting a protected class,” to which he asked “who is this protected class and are their feelings more important than my rights?”

“I don’t complain when I see pride flags and diversity posters hung throughout this school,” he continued, adding “because others have a right to their beliefs just as I do.”

“Not one person, staff or student, told me they were bothered with what I was wearing, in fact just the opposite, several kids told me they supported what I was doing and they wanted one too,” he added.

Liam also called out the double standards of school officials, noting that he was told his shirt was ‘disrupting’. “I experience disruptions to my learning every day, kids acting out in class are a disruption and nothing is done. Why are the rules applied to one but not another?” He asked.

“I know that I have a right to wear a shirt with those five words, at 12-years-old I have my own opinions, and have a right to express those opinions. Even at school, this right is called the first amendment to the constitution,” Liam told the board officials.

“I have learned a lot from this experience. I learned that a lot of other students share my view. I learned that adults don’t always do the right thing or make the right decisions,” Liam concluded.


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