Ron DeSantis’s 30 Yr Old Sister “Died Suddenly” While Auditing British Private Bank of The Elite
16 min read
Ron DeSantis Is A ‘Knight of Malta’
No matter how much everyone’s gushing for DeSantis, we cannot erase the following facts from his background.
- After high school, DeSantis attended Yale University to earn a degree in history. He joined the Delta Kappa Epsilon fraternity.
- In 2001, DeSantis received a Bachelor of Arts degree with honors and honors from Yale University.
- After spending a year as a history lecturer at the Darlington School, he earned a Juris Doctor degree with honors from Harvard Law School. He received this degree in 2005.
- In 2004, while DeSantis was in the middle of his sophomore year at Harvard Law School, he was honored to be enlisted as an officer in the United States Navy and given a position in the Navy Judge Advocate General’s Corps (JAG). 2005 was the year he graduated from the Naval Justice School. Later that year he received orders to serve as a prosecutor in the JAG Trial Service Office Command South East, located at Naval Station Mayport, Florida.
- In 2006 he was awarded the rank of Lieutenant after being promoted from the position of Lieutenant Junior Grade. He was employed by the Commander of Joint Task Force Guantanamo (JTF-GTMO) and his duties included direct contact with inmates at the Guantanamo Bay Joint Detention Facility.
- In 2007, DeSantis reported to the Naval Special Warfare Command Group in Coronado, California. There he was assigned to SEAL Team One and deployed to Iraq in 2007 as Legal Advisor to SEAL Commander, Special Operations Task Force-West in Fallujah. He served in this capacity for the duration of the troop surge.
- In April 2008, DeSantis returned to the United States and shortly after his return was assigned to the Naval Region Southeast Legal Service. His appointment as Special Assistant United States Attorney to the United States Attorney’s Office for the Middle District of Florida was made possible by the United States Department of Justice.
- 2010, DeSantis served as a defense attorney until discharged from that capacity. At the same time, he agreed to accept a reserve rank in the US Navy Reserve as a lieutenant in the Judge Advocate General’s Corps.
- The Bronze Star Medal, the Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medal, the Global War on Terrorism Service Medal and the Iraq Campaign Medal are just a few of the honors DeSantis has received throughout his service.
As of 2022, he was still serving in the United States Navy Reserve. - Christina DeSantis, Ron Desantis’ 30 year old sister, died in 2015 from completely unforeseen causes. Although more than five years have passed since her death, her family has not commented further on the circumstances of her death.
Much More on Christina DeSantis:
- Ron DeSantis was a Congressman at the time of 30 year old Christina DeSantis’s death in 2015. Strangely, there was virtually zero media coverage of the death of the sister of a U.S. Congressman.
- Christina DeSantis’s Linked-In lists her employer at the time of her untimely death as KPMG Volcker Solution. Volcker Wikipedia: Paul Adolph Volcker Jr. (September 5, 1927 – December 8, 2019) was an American economist who served as the 12th chairman of the Federal Reserve from 1979 to 1987. During his tenure as chairman, Volcker was widely credited with having ended the high levels of inflation seen in the United States throughout the 1970s and early 1980s.[citation needed] He previously served as the president of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York from 1975 to 1979.
- Christina DeSantis’s fiance Stephan Pasiewicz was a former “Coutts Bank” employee from 2006-2012, and reportedly had all the dirt on Coutts’s biggest client, the Queen of England, and was cooperating with the U.S. Department of Justice investigation of financial fraud and money laundering by Coutts. The investigation ultimately resulted in a “non-prosecution” agreement and almost $80 million in fines.
- Coutts Bank: is a London-headquartered private bank and wealth manager. Founded in 1692, it is the eighth oldest bank in the world. Today, Coutts forms part of NatWest Group‘s wealth management division.[3] In the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man, Coutts Crown Dependencies operates as a trading name of The Royal Bank of Scotland International Limited. Money laundering rule breaches: In March 2012 Coutts was fined £8.75m for breaches of money laundering rules after “serious” and “systemic” problems in handling the affairs of “politically exposed persons“, customers entrusted with a prominent public function, requiring money-laundering checks.[29] The Financial Services Authority (FSA) fined Coutts because of an “unacceptable risk” that the bank could have been handling the proceeds of crime for a three-year period up to November 2010 after failing to properly deal with “politically exposed” customers.[29] Following an industry-wide review in 2010, the FSA found that Coutts was not conducting robust-enough checks on such high-risk customers and was not monitoring relationships with them properly. The FSA reviewed a sample of 103 high-risk customer files, and identified deficiencies in 73 of them.[29] The FSA’s acting director of enforcement and financial crime, Tracey McDermott, said that “Coutts’s failings were significant, widespread and unacceptable. Its conduct fell well below the standards we expect and the size of the financial penalty demonstrates how seriously we view its failures”.[29] Coutts’s bonus system rewarded bankers for opening accounts, providing an incentive to bring in new business without too much scrutiny, and the bank’s anti-money laundering team, required to identify high-risk customers, failed to identify enough “politically exposed persons”.[29] In two cases reviewed by the FSA, bankers did not conduct appropriate checks on the customers, and failed to identify serious criminal allegations against them. There were five cases where sources had provided “adverse intelligence” such as allegations of criminal activity, but all the accounts had been approved by Coutts.[29]A spokesperson for Coutts said that there was no evidence that money laundering took place as a result of its deficient controls, and said that “We recognise our systems weren’t totally adequate in the past and we’ve taken steps to improve these”. Coutts would have been fined £12.5m if it had not agreed to settle at an early stage in the investigation.[29]

Ron Desantis Was A Member of St. Elmo Society
DeSantis was a member of St. Elmo Society, a secret society at Yale University. It was founded in 1889 as an independent entity for seniors within the nationally chartered fraternity, Delta Phi (&Delta &Phi), Omicron Chapter (1889-1925).
St. Elmo is a non-profit organization that provides supplementary education to its members through various activities and interactions. It is the hope that these methods will inspire new meaning to the students’ Yale education. In return, the delegation must commit itself to by-laws, rules, and guidelines set forth by the Corporation’s Board of Governors.
Per Wikipedia: St. Elmo’s is a member of the “ancient eight consortium” which includes the seven other original societies at Yale: Skull and Bones, Scroll and Key, Wolf’s Head, Book and Snake, Elihu, Berzelius, and Mace and Chain.

History of St. Elmo, Patron Saint of Delta Phi
The name “St. Elmo” was first used in 1889 at the Omicron Chapter of Delta Phi at Yale University, and was based on the historical interconnection of St. Elmo and the Knights of Malta. The cross of the Knights of Malta had been adopted as the emblem of Delta Phi in 1833.
The Badge of The Delta Phi, pictured above, has been worn by members of The Delta Phi Fraternity continuously since its adoption in 1833. This badge, based on the Maltese Cross worn by the Knights of St. John (later, the Knights Hospitaller and finally the Knights of Malta), has many symbolic meanings to members of the fraternity. This design was also to give birth to one of the most enduring traditions of Delta Phi: the use of the name St. Elmo in association with the fraternity.
The name St. Elmo has been in use by some chapters of the fraternity for over 100 years (longer than many other nationals have existed). The practice started at Omicron (Yale), who sought a distinctive name for their home. Once again, hearkening back to the Knights of Malta, who were mariners, the men of Omicron appropriated the name of St. Elmo, the patron saint of mariners. The practice caught on and at many campuses the names Delta Phi and St. Elmo have become synonymous adding yet another layer of tradition to this unique story.
Delta Phi has remained an exclusive fraternity. Rather than engaging in the wholesale expansion policies that have marked the operation of other Greek letter fraternities, the brothers of Delta Phi choose to establish chapters only at the finest schools and usually with proximity to other chapters. It grants its chapters a substantial degree of local autonomy – allowing them to develop their own traditions and policies within the scope of a larger institution.
On Jun. 14, 2022 (Tuesday) DeSantis was listed as a member of St. Elmo Hall (secret society) at Yale, but the next day, Jun. 15, 2022 (Wednesday) his name disappeared.
DeSantis was listed on St. Elmo’s Wikipedia page last year: (see Wayback Machine)

As of 2022, DeSantis was removed from Wikipedia.

Who Are the Knights of Malta — and What Do They Want? They’re a secretive religious order with a long and bloody history and unique status under international law, but that doesn’t mean they run the world.

JANUARY 19, 2011, 9:55 PM
In a speech in Doha on Monday, veteran New Yorker journalist Seymour Hersh alleged that the U.S. military’s Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC) had been infiltrated by Christian fanatics who see themselves as modern-day Crusaders and aim to “change mosques into cathedrals.” In particular, he alleged that former JSOC head Gen. Stanley McChrystal — later U.S. commander in Afghanistan — and his successor, Vice Adm. William McRaven, as well as many other senior leaders of the command, are “are all members of, or at least supporters of, Knights of Malta.” What was he talking about?
Not exactly clear. There’s not much evidence to suggest that the Knights of Malta are the secretive cabal of anti-Muslim fundamentalists that Hersh described. (For the record, when contacted by Foreign Policy, McChrystal said that he is not a member.) But they are certainly an anomalous presence in international politics and have provoked their share of conspiracy theories over the years.
The Sovereign Military Hospitaller Order of Saint John of Jerusalem of Rhodes and of Malta is a Roman Catholic organization based in Rome with around 13,000 members worldwide. The group was founded in 1048 by Amalfian merchants in Jerusalem as a monastic order that ran a hospital to tend to Christian pilgrims in the Holy Land. At the height of its power, the order was also tasked by Rome with the additional military function of defending Christians from the local Muslim population. The Knights of St. John were just one of a number of Christian military orders founded during this period — including the fabled but now defunct Knights of Templar.
When the Sultan of Egypt retook Jerusalem in 1291, the Knights of St. John went into exile, settling in Rhodes 20 years later. In 1523 they were forced from Rhodes by the Sultan’s forces and settled in Malta, which they ruled until they were dislodged by Napoleon’s army in 1798. The order settled in Rome in the mid-19th century, where it remains to this day.
Despite its name, the Knights haven’t had any military function since leaving Malta. Instead, the order has gone back to its charitable roots by sponsoring medical missions in more than 120 countries.
When the order was founded, knights were expected to take a vow of poverty, chastity, and obedience upon joining. Nowadays, obedience is enough. Membership is still by invitation only, but you no longer have to be a member of the nobility. In recent years, the organization has become increasingly American in membership. The leader of the order, referred to as the prince and grand master, is elected for life in a secret conclave and must be approved by the pope.
Despite having no fixed territory besides its headquarters building in Rome, the order is considered a sovereign entity under international law. It prints its own postage stamps and coins — though these are mostly for novelty value — and enjoys observer status at the United Nations, which classifies it as a nonstate entity like the Red Cross. The Knights maintain diplomatic relations with 104 countries. The order does not have official relations with the United States, though it has offices in New York, for the United Nations delegation, and Washington, for its representation at the Inter-American Development Bank.
Because of its secretive proceedings, unique political status, and association with the Crusades, the order has been a popular target for conspiracy theorists. Alleged members have included former CIA Directors William Casey and John McCone, Chrysler Chairman Lee Iacocca, and GOP fixture Pat Buchanan, though none have ever acknowledged membership. Various theories have tied the Knights to crimes including the Kennedy assassination and spreading the AIDS virus through its clinics in Africa.
In 2006, a newspaper article in the United Arab Emirates claimed that the Knights were directly influencing U.S. policy in Iraq and Afghanistan, reprising their role in the Crusades. Following the article, Islamist websites in Egypt urged followers to attack the order’s embassy in Cairo, forcing the organization to issue a statement denying any military role.
To be fair, the Knights have been involved in their fair share of political intrigues. In 1988, the charge d’affaires at the order’s embassy in Havana confessed to being a double agent, reporting to both the CIA and Cuban intelligence. According to journalist Jeremy Scahill’s book Blackwater,Joseph Schmitz, a former executive at the company who also served as inspector general for the U.S. Department of Defense, boasted of his membership in the Knights in his official biography. The defense contractor now known as Xe’s chief executive, Erik Prince, reportedly espoused Christian supremacist beliefs, and its contractors in Iraq used codes and insignia based on the order’s medieval compatriots, the Knights of the Templar. However, there’s no evidence to suggest the Knights of Malta had any direct influence over the company.
So while the group is, for the most part, a charitable organization with little resemblance to the sinister portrait painted by its detractors, an image-makeover might be in order as it finishes off its 10th century.
Seymour Hersh Unleashed
January 20, 2011
Foreign Policy.Com
DOHA, Qatar—David Remnick, call your office.
In a speech billed as a discussion of the Bush and Obama eras, New Yorker journalist Seymour Hersh delivered a rambling, conspiracy-laden diatribe here Monday expressing his disappointment with President Barack Obama and his dissatisfaction with the direction of U.S. foreign policy.
“Just when we needed an angry black man,” he began, his arm perched jauntily on the podium, “we didn’t get one.”
It quickly went downhill from there.
Hersh, whose exposés of gross abuses by members of the U.S. military in Vietnam and Iraq have earned him worldwide fame and high journalistic honors, said he was writing a book on what he called the “Cheney-Bush years” and saw little difference between that period and the Obama administration.
He said that he was keeping a “checklist” of aggressive U.S. policies that remained in place, including torture and “rendition” of terrorist suspects to allied countries, which he alleged was ongoing.
He also charged that U.S. foreign policy had been hijacked by a cabal of neoconservative “crusaders” in the former vice president’s office and now in the special operations community.
“What I’m really talking about is how eight or nine neoconservative, radicals if you will, overthrew the American government. Took it over,” he said of his forthcoming book. “It’s not only that the neocons took it over but how easily they did it — how Congress disappeared, how the press became part of it, how the public acquiesced.”
Hersh then brought up the widespread looting that took place in Baghdad after the fall of Saddam Hussein in 2003. “In the Cheney shop, the attitude was, ‘What’s this? What are they all worried about, the politicians and the press, they’re all worried about some looting? … Don’t they get it? We’re gonna change mosques into cathedrals. And when we get all the oil, nobody’s gonna give a damn.’”
“That’s the attitude,” he continued. “We’re gonna change mosques into cathedrals. That’s an attitude that pervades, I’m here to say, a large percentage of the Joint Special Operations Command.”
He then alleged that Gen. Stanley McChrystal, who headed JSOC before briefly becoming the top U.S. commander in Afghanistan, and his successor, Vice Adm. William McRaven, as well as many within JSOC, “are all members of, or at least supporters of, Knights of Malta.”
Hersh may have been referring to the Sovereign Order of Malta, a Roman Catholic organization commited to “defence of the Faith and assistance to the poor and the suffering,” according to its website.
“Many of them are members of Opus Dei,” Hersh continued. “They do see what they’re doing — and this is not an atypical attitude among some military — it’s a crusade, literally. They see themselves as the protectors of the Christians. They’re protecting them from the Muslims [as in] the 13th century. And this is their function.”
“They have little insignias, these coins they pass among each other, which are crusader coins,” he continued. “They have insignia that reflect the whole notion that this is a culture war. … Right now, there’s a tremendous, tremendous amount of anti-Muslim feeling in the military community.””
Hersh relayed that he had recently spoken with “a man in the intelligence community… somebody in the joint special operations business” about the downfall of Zine el-Abidine Ben Ali in Tunisia. “He said, ‘Oh my God, he was such a good ally.’”
“Tunisia’s going to change the game,” Hersh added later. “It’s going to scare the hell out of a lot of people.”
Moving to Pakistan, where Hersh noted he had been friendly with Benazir Bhutto, the journalist told of a dinner meeting with Asif Ali Zardari, the late prime minister’s husband, in which Hersh said the Pakistani president was brutally disdainful of his own people.
Hersh described a trip he made to Swat, where the Pakistani military had just dislodged Taliban insurgents who had taken over the scenic valley, a traditional vacation area for the urban middle class. Hersh said he asked Zardari about the tent cities he saw along the road, where people were living in harsh, unsanitary conditions.
“Well, those people there in Swat, that’s what they deserve,” the Pakistani president replied, according to Hersh. Asked why, Hersh said Zardari responded, “Because they supported the Taliban.” (Note: Hersh’s conversation is not recounted in his 2009 New Yorker article on Pakistan’s nuclear weapons, presumably because it coudn’t be verified.)
The veteran journalist also alleged that the CIA station chief in Islamabad, who was recently recalled after his name surfaced in Pakistani court documents and in the lively Pakistani press, had actually been fired for disputing the plans of Gen. David Petraeus, who took over the Afghan war last summer after General McChrystal was summarily dismissed.
“When Petraeus issued a very optimistic report about the war in December that he gave to the president,” Hersh said, the station chief “just declared it was bankrupt… internally. He just said ‘This is completely wrongheaded. The policy’s wrongheaded.’ Off he goes. Out he goes.”
“I’ve given up being disillusioned about the CIA,” Hersh said. “They’re trained to lie, period. They will lie to their president, they will lie certainly to the Congress, and they will lie to the American people. That’s all there is to it.”
Hersh was speaking on the invitation of Georgetown University’s School of Foreign Service, which operates a branch campus in Qatar.
The Knights of Malta ALL have diplomatic immunity. They can ship goods across borders without paying duty or undergoing customs check. Does that ring any bells? In any case, that is power.
The Knights of Malta is held up by a backbone consisting of nobility. Nearly half of the 10,000 members belong to Europe’s oldest and most powerful families. This cements the alliance between the Vatican and the “Black Nobility.” The Black Nobility is mostly the rich and powerful of Europe. The head of the Black Nobility is the family that can claim direct descendancy from the last Roman emperor. Maybe now you can see that things are beginning to fall into their proper place. Membership in the Knights of Malta entails obedience to one’s superior in THE ORDER and ultimately to the Pope. Therefore, a U.S. ambassador who is also a member of the Knights of Malta faces a conflict of interest. Why is this fact ignored? President Bush appointed Knight of Malta Thomas Melledy to the post of U.S. Ambassador to the Vatican.Bill Cooper / <cite>Behold A Pale Horse</cite>
The Knights of Malta is a world organization with its threads weaving through business, banking, politics, the CIA, other intelligence organizations, P2, religion, education, law, military, think tanks, foundations, the United States Information Agency, the United Nations, and numerous other organizations. They are not the oldest but are one of the oldest branches of the Order of the Quest in existence. The world head of the Knights of Malta is elected for a life term, with the approval of the Pope. The Knights of Malta have their own Constitution and are sworn to work toward the establishment of a New World Order with the Pope at its head. Knights of Malta members are also powerful members of the CFR and the Trilateral Commission.Bill Cooper / <cite>Behold A Pale Horse</cite>
It should also be noted that Chief Justice John G. Roberts, Jr. is a Knight of

Meet Ron DeSantis’ Media Guru, Christina Pushaw. She worked in the Nation of Georgia to get a George
Soros Sock Puppet elected President.
She then went to the United States and failed to register as a Foreign Agent, for many years. But, instead of being prosecuted as her contemporary was, the DOJ let her register with ZERO penalty. This DOJ.
So clearly, she is NOT their enemy, but rather a Friend of George Soros.
McCain & Bush Connection:
Christina Pushaw’s connection to Bush & McCain…

DeSantis’ press secretary registers as foreign agent, cites prior work for former Georgian president
About Pete Santilli
May 24, 2023 at 05:24AM