Conservative Provocateur

Info Wars Owen Shroyer Will Retire From Media If Liberals Will Do This One Small Thing

3 min read
Owen is offering to walk away from media for good- if anyone can beat him in a debate on his show.

Owen Shroyer has thrown down the gauntlet of media and issued a challenge to a liberal journalist who seems eager to come to blows over how bad info wars has been.

Owen is offering to walk away from media for good- if anyone can beat him in a debate on his show.

“And always, F— Info Wars,” Senior reporter for Huffington Post, Sebastian Murdock, reported from the courthouse during the trial of trailblazer Alex jones, which shows how out of control the left has become.

Listen to leftist NPR describe the de-platforming of wildly popular Info Wars and the trial that threatens to change the face of free speech for the United States of America:

“A fresh defamation trial for conspiracy theorist Alex Jones that began this week could offer slivers of insight into the effectiveness of “deplatforming” — the booting of undesirable accounts from social media sites.

This trial, in Connecticut, is the second of three trials Jones faces for promoting lies on his streaming TV show and Infowars website that the 2012 Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting was a hoax. T

Jones, a serial conspiracist and fabulist, was kicked off almost all major internet and social media platforms in 2018 after he threatened then-special counsel Robert Mueller, who was investigating then-President Donald Trump’s ties to Russia. Initially, a round of media coverage touted flagging traffic to Jones’ websites as evidence that “deplatforming works.”

The left loves de-platforming Consrvative journalists- let’s be honest. They also love talking ‘smackie’ about people who can not defend themselves- like this guy:


Murdock is an American journalist and he is feeling very tender at the moment about the trial of Alex Jones. Like the liberal he is, he was triggered by the sight of someone else practicing free speech and he wanted to sound off about it on a post on Twitter, where only liberals are allowed to have free with their speech, right?

Check out his rant:

Murdock was very passionate outside the courthouse where Jones stood trial, virtue signaling for his social media following how powerful he is while squishing a bumper sticker and then throwing it away.

That is powerful media.

Do you think such a brave man would accept a challenge to an actual debate on the topic of ‘Why Info Wars is so bad’?

He could talk about all of his feelings. And squish more bumper stickers, no doubt.

Owen Shroyer made such a challenge- and said so on his War Room show, on Friday, in response to the squishing of bumper stickers by the free speech hating Hufpo senior reporter:

“This will be like a WWE retirement match. If Sebastian Murdock comes on the Infowars war room and defeats me in a debate, I will retire from the media.

Sebastian Murdoch, who rips off infowar stickers in Connecticut outside of the courtroom and says F Infowars, is being challenged.

If he’s not a coward and a fraud, I challenged him to come on this transmission for an hour-long debate. And if he defeats me, I will retire. I will quit. I will leave this post and I will no longer host a war room.

Sebastian, there you go. Sebastian, you can retire me. All you have to do is show up in studio and defeat me to debate. We should be really easy for you, considering how smart you are compared to me.

Especially, I’m just an idiot. So retire me Sebastian; you won’t do it. I guarantee. 

I’d bet my life on it. You wouldn’t do it”. 

It is the WWE Retirement Match! Owen said that he will retire from media forever if a liberal will go toe to toe with him in a one-hour debate about why Info Wars is so bad.

The challenge has been made.


About Pete Santilli