Conservative Provocateur

Perfect Cognitive Dissonance: Cultural Virtue Signaling Is Making Good People Mentally Ill And Weak [VIDEO]

4 min read

The failures of virtue signaling by the soft-mentally weak left are everywhere, as Americans see in the recent story of Republican Gov. of Florida, Ron DeSantis, moving migrants to the elite Martha’s Vineyard and watching the entire leftist apparatus going into displays of panic as they are confronted with the consequences of their own actions.

The left virtue signal that they are ok with open borders, yet there was a conflict when migrants were taken to their neighborhoods. That reaction is called ‘Cognitive Dissonance.’

Here is the perfect example of how virtue signaling causes cognitive dissonance and impairs people:

A beautiful young British woman made a Tik Tok video while in tears about the treatment she received at a trendy clothing shop while she was trying clothing on. This story and her reaction is the perfect example of the consequences of ass gaslighting on a population and of brainwashing young women that they are not allowed to defend themselves or expect for anyone to care about their safety.

Notice that her speech and her inner conflict do not match up. After watching this short video- you will understand the term: Cognitive Dissonance and if you think about it, you will understand the consequences of Cognitive dissonance, which is a mental conflict that occurs when your beliefs don’t line up with your actions. It’s an uncomfortable state of mind when someone has contradictory values, attitudes, or perspectives about the same thing.

Definition of Cognitive Dissonance from Oxford Languages · Learn more

cog·ni·tive dis·so·nance

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  1. the state of having inconsistent thoughts, beliefs, or attitudes, especially as relating to behavioral decisions and attitude change.


“What a shocker! Girls now feeling unsafe in unisex changing rooms. Have no idea why companies like

@Primark did not consider this beforehand?”

From the Video the young woman explains her point of view, saying:

“But I’m still a nobody. I feel like I need to get the word out there. Um, so I was just in Primark in Cambridge. And I feel stupid being emotional about this, but, um, I was trying on some clothes and it was a unisex changing room which I’m really forward and I love that because, you know, it makes everyone feel included. But twice, two men walked open the curtain and walked in on me.

And both times I cover up, I was so shocked and I said- sorry- right? Like as if it was my fault.

But yeah I have to say though, Primark have been amazing. They were really really good about it. Yeah, they walked me back to my car and everything because I was scared.

Apparently, it’s not the first time it’s happened and security are watching back the tapes and seeing if they can find who is but.. 

Yeah, I just want to say to people, please be careful and if you go in the changing room, try not to go on your own.

I will never be doing that again. I would rather take it home, try it on, and then take it back and get refunded. So yeah, stay safe,” the woman told her audience.


Consider the painful conflicts that forced virtue signaling is causing good people:

Forced compliance paradigm-think Virtue Signaling 
Through a series of experiments, the author of cognitive dissonance postulated the forced compliance paradigm, extending the cognitive dissonance theory. In an experiment where the subjects had to perform a series of menial tasks and lie to another person about the tasks being interesting and enjoyable, it was found that the subjects who received $1 to lie did a better job than the ones who received $20. Festinger explained that this was because the subjects who were paid more did not experience dissonance, as they were rewarded well and had ample justification for lying. Whereas the subjects who were paid a mere dollar experienced dissonance and to justify their experience, they re-evaluated the menial tasks as enjoyable, making their lie more believable to others (as the subject believed in it themselves).

The experiment shows that in an attempt to reduce dissonance, the attitude towards it changes, more likely in the direction of less incentive. Cognitive dissonance theory, in this regard, contradicts most behavioural theories that attribute positive changes to higher incentives.

About Pete Santilli