Conservative Provocateur

OHIO ATTORNEY TOM RENZ: Fauci’s Making Money, Committed Perjury & Should Go To Jail

4 min read

Ohio Stands Up! Files Lawsuit in Ohio Supreme Court to Stop DeWine from Committing Crimes: Attorney Tom Renz; Interview


Attorney Tom Renz of Ohio Stands Up! filed a lawsuit in the Ohio Supreme Court in order to stop Governor DeWine from committing crimes against the citizens of Ohio.

Pete and Tom discuss the Ohio Supreme Court lawsuit seeking a Writ for Prohibition to stop (R) Governor Mike DeWine of Ohio from violating the citizens unalienable rights to Life, Liberty, and Pursuit of Happiness. He is seeking to stop all current and future unlawful acts related to the SARS Cov2 lockdowns and demands.

If the Ohio Supreme Court grants the Writ, it would prohibit (R) Governor DeWine from harming Ohio’s children with the experimental and dangerous mRNA and DNA-altering gene-therapy shots that turn children into genetically modified organisms, shutting down Ohio, ordering people of Ohio to be masked, deeming people and businesses non-essential, shuttering businesses, discriminating against people, and creating medical apartheid. Ohio Stands Up! seeks to require the Governor to uphold his oath of office that he has broken and failed to respect and honor.

Ohio Stands Up! believes the Ohio Supreme Court is the last resort for our children to have some measure of protection against the despotic tyranny DeWine seeks to impose upon them, and the poison shots he seeks to pump into their bodies. He must be stopped. ” -OhioStandsUp!

Lawsuit Second Claim; pg7 (2) “Relator represents to this Court that Ohio Governor Michael DeWine has violated the principles of the Nuremberg Code (1947) and accepted standards of international common law and treaties by mandating vaccination of children with experimental and untested and unsafe mRNA vaccines that are harmful and dangerous and modify human DNA.” (3) “Governor Michael DeWine has engaged in a series of unconstitutional, unlawful, and illegal violations of law and has unconstitutionally ordered the use of medical devices ‘masks’ and the masking of Citizens [despite his not being a medical doctor nor licensed to practice medicine] preventing healthy citizens from breathing freely and exhaling as God intended unobstructed.” (4) “Governor Michael DeWine has made the Relator members and Citizens subject to his dictatorial rules and mandates including lockdowns, shamed for rejections of injections of poisons masquerading as vaccines that they are not! Relator represents to this Court that Ohio Governor Michael DeWine has by his declarations threated citizens and employers who are now worried about loss of business and job loss.” (5) “Relator represents to this Court that Ohio Governor Michael DeWine has created a new class of discrimination and pollution of those who are vaccinated with mRNA (these people emit spiked protein cells that infect the unvaccinated and are essentially a biological weapon delivery system to the unvaccinated and are gravely ill who unless treated will sustain serious damage and illness due to the consequences of the mRNA poison they have been injected with) and those who are not. DeWine along with his globalist cohorts should be thought of as a war criminal and provided the status of Dr. Mangala.”  Read more….

Other topics covered and exposed:

  • Dr. Anthony Fauci making money from the SARS Cov2 “crisis”
  • The $60 million dollars of funding given for “Gain of Function Research” studies approved by Fauci
  • Dr. Anthony Fauci committing perjury in front of congress
  •  Lockdowns
  • Resolve to Save LivesHeavily funded by Gates, Bloomberg, and Zuckerberg
  • Experimental mRNA injections “vaccines”
  • “Vax-a-Million” sweepstakes to take the experimental injection
  • China, Wuhan
  • Gates Foundation
  • Funding of main stream media by Big Pharma, and their failure to disclose to the public the dangers of the experimental injections
  • Informed Consent
  • Truth in Science and Health Act


Good people of America are taking a stand and fighting back for the Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness for all. United we can save our republic, and the people she was created for. Please share this vital information exposing the alleged criminal actions of Governor Mike DeWine, and how he has perpetrated these crimes against the whole of society. The battle rages against our very existence as a people, only by taking a stand and working together will we be able to stop this unethical, unconstitutional, immoral, deadly tyranny that is upon us all. Knowledge is Power, whomever has the knowledge has the power.

“Attorney Thomas Renz heads the boutique law firm Renz Law. Mr. Renz’s experience with the law began with his mentor, Nuremburg Prosecutor and celebrated international lawyer and scholar, Henry T. King, Jr. A short list of other accomplishments include: being the only American to ever serve as clerk for the Honorable Justice Tarun Chatterjee of the Supreme Court of India, winning the national Trailblazer Award for Political Action, assisting in advocating for numerous state and national legislative and regulatory reforms. Mr. Renz is the Founder of Ohio Stands Up! And is leading a defensive legal assault on those in the state and federal governments who want to destroy our freedom in the name of the public health “emergency” surrounding COVID-19. ” 

To find out more about Ohio Stands Up!


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